I trust your father is in good health. (That's how my grandpa says I should start letters. Only he calls 'em "correspondence" cause he's a lawyer.)

We had to take a physical fitness test in school today. It sucked! I had to run laps until I felt like my spleen was going to explode, and then I couldn't do any pull-ups and Coach Harrison called me a Poindexter. I'll bet he's just mad that he didn't make the Quidditch team when he was in school, the jerk.

I heard that all the cool kids over there are trading model trains. I think it sounds a little delicious, but maybe I'll give it a try.

My buddies and I joined an after-school field hockey team. Oh, I think you call it "handball" over there, is that right? How confusing. Anyway, my mom says I spend way too much time playing video games (I like Dragon Island 7 the best), so I have to play outside so I don't get fat. Whatever! I only weigh 3060 candygrams. I'm not sure how that converts to whatever weight you guys use.
