Life was hard as an orphan on the streets of Dropseat, without a uncle or sister to teach you right from wrong. On the other hand, you wouldn't have grown up to be such a talented Thief otherwise.

Your life changed one day, changed irrevocably -- and perhaps not for the better -- when you were wandering down the quaint bucolic dusty paths of the tiny farming village of Pittsburgh. There, you met the Dauphin's bright-eyed homie, who gave you broad hints as to the last known location of the long-lost Silver Stork. Recognizing the street value of such a rare treasure, you set off to find it.

You had a good handle on it until you dropped your Greyhawk Army knife in a beartrap and couldn't get it back out. Wouldn't you know it, that was when the skeletons showed up.

Nevertheless, you fought your way through evil overlord's strip mall, dispatching barbarians left and right, and finally arrived at the throne room of the Shadow Sorcerer Arc'klor. After a long and dramatic battle, you plunged your bastard sword into his throat. The entire dungeon unexpectedly began to collapse as soon as the evil pissant was dead, but you managed to escape with your life, and claimed your reward from the grateful people of Zevroozlchester.

Loot:bat-scented battleaxe of stoic misogyny
+23 kneepads of silver contempt
endless flagon of orphan barley wine
